Welcome back from a wonderful summer break........
The students have been woking very hard. Our middle school have completed their physical fitness Test: shuttle run, sit-n-reach{flexibility}, push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups. The students also ran the 1-mile with terrific times, the fastest time was Bob Nader at 5:52. Congratulations to all. We are still learning how important it is to pace, and breathing techniques.
We have discussed the different muscles of the body , where they are located, and what exercises are used with the different muscles.
We are now into our Pickleball Unit, they are learning serving rules, double bounce rule, forehand, backhand, and double strategies.
Our 4th and 5th grades, have also completed their phsical fitness tests, with great results. We are learning about our muscles, the names, and where they are located. A handout will soon be passed out showing the different muscles. We will be stating our soccer unit.
Our primary has reviewed all their locomotor sills, and have played several games involving the different skills. Pac-man, Shark Island, Hornet tag. They are all progressing well.