Monday, November 11, 2013

Welcome to 2nd quarter

     First quarter in our P.E. classes were fun and fullfilling!  The students were all eager to run and learn new games and skills.
      Kindergarten-First, have mastered their motor skills, and learing to do paddle work, with more dexterity.
       Second, and Third grade, have learned about nutrition and the Food pyramid, what foods, and what portions.
        Fourth and Fifth grade are working hard, we are learning the rules of pickleball, and the different strokes and movements involved.  We are taking tests on the rules, and will be learning the different bones we have and were they are located.
        Sixth- Eighth, grade have been busy learning the different bones and the rules of all all sports, we just finished an exciting soccer unit.  This quarter we will learn the different rules of pickleball, with a test.  And we will start a Floor Hockey Unit with the rules tests, and skills involved.  We will be having a a bone test at the end of the quarter, as we are learning the different bones we use most often.